Africa themed books for children and teens

Africa books for children and teens

Africa themed books for children and teens with nonfiction and fiction titles by Wakanyi Hoffman and Onyinye Iwu, Niki Daly, Ken Wilson-Max, Yaba Badoe, Wilbur Smith, Namina Forna, Wole Soyinka and more.

Man-man and the Tree of Memories by Yaba Badoe

Man-Man and the Tree of Memories by Yaba Badoe

Man-Man and the Tree of Memories is a beautiful book and the work of illustrator, Joelle Avelino, compliments Yaba Badoe’s story perfectly. It is a joyous story with bright, multi layered illustrations which add depth to every page.

Storybooks online

Storybooks online – free videos of children’s and YA books

Storybooks online – here’s our curated collection of video online stories read by authors including Cressida Cowell, Aisha Bushby, Alex Wheatle, Catherine Bruton, David Walliams, Malorie Blackman, Michael Rosen and more.


Bestselling books by Yaba Badoe

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