Teen crime fiction

Crime fiction for teens

Crime fiction for teens including titles by Tia Fisher, Robert Muchamore, Ashley Hickson-Lovence, Maureen Johnson, Ben Oliver, Karen M. McManus, Cynthia Murphy and Holly Jackson.

Victorians topic books for children

Victorians topic books

Victorians topic books for children with titles by Mick Manning, E.L Norry, Jacqueline Wilson, Michael Rosen, Catherine Bruton, Philip Pullman, Berlie Doherty, Terry Deary, Lindsay Galvin and Kieran Larwood.

April 2022 book recommendations

April 2022 book club picks

Kicking off our first set of book club recommendations is April 2022’s picks featuring a diverse range of titles by Hayley Wells, Pooja Puri, Kelly Barnhill, Eloise Williams, Varsha Shah, Pam Smy and Nancy Springer.


Bestselling books by Nancy Springer

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