Poetry books for 7-11-year-olds

Poetry books for 7-11-year-olds

Children’s poetry books for 7-11-year-olds

Children’s poetry for 7-11-year-olds. Here’s our selection of contemporary, classic, themed, diverse and exciting poetry books for KS2 children, classrooms and school libraries. Featuring collections and anthologies by Michael Rosen, Joseph Coelho, Carol Ann Duffy, Brian Moses, Benjamin Zephaniah, Zaro Weil, Kate Wakeling, Neal Zetter, John Agard, T.S Eliot, Maya Angelou, Kaye Webb and more, there’s a wide range of forms, styles and subjects for every interest, topic area and ability.

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Poetry for children aged 7-11 – our recommendations

Poetry anthologies for children aged 7-11

Michael Rosen's A-Z: The best children's poetry from Agard to Zephaniah by Michael RosenMichael Rosen’s A-Z: The best children’s poetry from Agard to Zephaniah by Michael Rosen.
Happy Poems chosen by Roger McGoughHappy Poems chosen by Roger McGough.
Poems Aloud: An anthology of poems to read out loud by Joseph Coelho and Daniel Gray-BarnettPoems Aloud: An anthology of poems to read out loud by Joseph Coelho and Daniel Gray-Barnett

The River’s A Singer by Valerie Bloom

The River’s A Singer is a collection of vibrant poems from the 2022 CLiPPA award-winning poet Valerie Bloom, with intricate pen and ink illustrations by Sophie Bass. We loved ‘If’, ‘The Artist’, and ‘Today I’m Not Going to School’. Suitable for children aged 8-12, this collection is lively, inspiring, and relatable—always accessible. Teachers will appreciate the rhythmic poetry, range of poetic forms, and rich examples of figurative language. It’s ideal for teachers to use in literacy and to inspire creative writing. The Christmas poems will be of particular interest for festive classroom topics. Highly recommended.

The River's A Singer by Valerie Bloom

Blue Jelly and Strawberries: Poems to Tickle Your Tastebuds by Attie Lime, illustrated by Kate Sheppard

This lively poetry collection for young readers is packed with playful rhymes, clever wordplay, and quirky shape poems – think trees sprouting doughnuts and games of ping-pong with peas. Some poems are thoughtful, others downright funny, making it perfect for giggles or quiet moments. With engaging illustrations and plenty of read-aloud fun, it’s an ideal introduction to the power and excitement of poetry. Highly recommended for reading to KS1 & KS2 classes.

Blue Jelly and Strawberries by Attie Lime

Squeak! Squawk! Roar! by Kate Williams, illustrated by Hannah Asen

Kate Williams’ debut poetry collection brings the animal kingdom to life with over 50 poems about everything from cobras to wombats. Some verses will make you laugh, while others might make you pause and think about the world we share with these creatures. Hannah Asen’s playful illustrations add an extra spark, making it perfect for read-alouds or classroom inspiration. Whether you love wildlife or just a good rhyme, this collection is a real treat for 6+ year olds.

Squeak! Squawk! Roar! by Kate Williams

The Shape of Rainbows by Neal Zetter

Whether befriending, startling, or holidaying with a rhino, each poem in this new collection invites 7+ readers to embark on funny and imaginative journeys. Living next door to a Viking or witnessing the tale of a boy who devours his school, these poems, set to lively illustrations by Will Hughes will make children both laugh and think. Thought-provoking, memorable and perfect to read and discuss in class, The Shape of Rainbows is highly recommended for KS2.

The Shape of Rainbows by Neal Zetter

The Head That Wears A Crown edited by Rachel Piercey and Emma Dai’an Wright

This anthology contains shape poetry, rhyming couplets, conversation poems, blank verse, ballads, and narrative verse, making it ideal as a springboard for creative writing and literacy instruction. The work of poets such as Melanie Branton, Rebecca Colby, Laura Mucha, and Brian Moses spans a wide range of tones and styles. Read our full review.

The Head That Wears A Crown edited by Rachel Piercey and Emma Dai’an Wright - perfect poetry book for 7-11 year olds

New and Collected Poems for Children by Carol Ann DuffyNew and Collected Poems for Children by Carol Ann Duffy.
The Puffin Book of Utterly Brilliant Poetry by Brian PattenThe Puffin Book of Utterly Brilliant Poetry by Brian Patten.
A Poem for Every Day of the Year by Allie EsiriA Poem for Every Day of the Year by Allie Esiri.

Contemporary poetry collections for children aged 7-11

Weird, Wild & Wonderful: The Poetry World of James Carter by James CarterWeird, Wild & Wonderful: The Poetry World of James Carter by James Carter.
Hot Like Fire Bind-up by Valerie BloomHot Like Fire Bind-up by Valerie Bloom.  
Selfies With Komodos: Poems by Brian MosesSelfies With Komodos: Poems by Brian Moses.

A Passing On of Shells: 50 Fifty-Word Poems by Simon Lamb and Chris Riddell

Basketball, mysteries, a scribble, caring for fallen stars and poetry itself are just some of the subjects of this diverse collection of observational and inspirational wordplay poetry. With eye-catching illustrations and the sheer variety of forms, these 50 poems will be a goldmine for KS2 classrooms and teachers.

A Passing On of Shells: 50 Fifty-Word Poems by Simon Lamb and Chris Riddell

I Don't Like Poetry by Joshua SeigalI Don’t Like Poetry by Joshua Seigal.
Funky Chickens by Benjamin ZephaniahFunky Chickens by Benjamin Zephaniah.
Moon Juice: Poems for Children by Kate WakelingMoon Juice: Poems for Children by Kate Wakeling.

Cherry Moon: Little Poems Big Ideas Mindful of Nature by Zaro Weil

The award-winning nature poetry collection sparkles with creativity, verve and imagination. KS2 readers will love the short accessible poems featuring Beast-doodles, preposterous penguins and humble fleas. Teachers will love the sheer variety of forms including shape poems, lists, haiku, riddles and conversation poems. At the end of the book, there’s a raft of useful writing prompts to use in class or for students to try at home. Highly recommended.

Cherry Moon: Little Poems Big Ideas Mindful of Nature by Zaro Weil, illustrated by Junli Song

Razzmatazz!: The Poetry World of Roger Stevens by Roger StevensRazzmatazz!: The Poetry World of Roger Stevens by Roger Stevens.
Chicken on the Roof by Matt GoodfellowChicken on the Roof by Matt Goodfellow.
Michael Rosen's Book of Very Silly Poems by Michael RosenMichael Rosen’s Book of Very Silly Poems by Michael Rosen.

An Imaginary Menagerie by Roger McGough

With fun wordplay, homonyms, puns and rhymes ‘An Imaginary Menagerie’ is perfect for literacy teaching in years 3 and 4. Teachers will remember this collection fondly from their childhoods or early teaching careers and children will love the wordplay, rhymes and sense of humour. Aunt eater is a particular favourite. Great for modelling poetry in KS2 and sparking ideas for animal-related topic work, this is a cracking collection of lively and fun animal poems for 7-11-year-olds.

An Imaginary Menagerie by Roger McGough

Narrative and themed poetry for 7-11-year-olds

On the Move: Poems About Migration by Michael RosenOn the Move: Poems About Migration by Michael Rosen.
Overheard in a Tower Block: Poems by Joseph CoelhoOverheard in a Tower Block: Poems by Joseph Coelho.
Jazz Day: The Making of a Famous Photograph by Roxane OrgillJazz Day: The Making of a Famous Photograph by Roxane Orgill.

We Are Family by Oliver Skyes

This heartwarming poetry adventure blends chaos, fun and heartfelt reflection to give 7+ readers a tantalising glimpse into Oliver Sykes’s single-parent household childhood. With laugh-out-loud anecdotes, poignant stories, and touching illustrations by Ian Morris, this collection is not only an enjoyable read but also an insightful exploration of love, resilience, and the importance of family bonds. Highly recommended. Read our full review.

We Are Family by Oliver Skyes

Outside In by Daniel Thompson, illustrated by Julia Murray

7+-year-olds will love to dive into this collection of 50 fresh and inspirational poems that celebrate the seasons, senses, wildlife, weather and nature. With vivid illustrations and thought-provoking ideas, these poems will encourage readers to look outside and explore the joys of spring. ‘Outside In’ is highly recommended for reading aloud, discussing or using as an impetus for creative writing in KS2.

Outside In by Daniel Thompson, illustrated by Julia Murray

When Poems Fall From The Sky by Zaro Weil

Featuring playlets, haiku, rhymes, raps and plenty of poems, When Poems Fall From the Sky is a lively collection that’s well suited to KS2 literacy teaching or to use in themed National Poetry Day workshops. Illustrated throughout with spectacular lithograph prints by Junli Song, this is a vibrant book to inspire cross-curricular poetry and artwork projects in years 3-6. For English teachers looking to model observational and nature poems and art teachers looking for printmaking inspiration, this anthology will prove particularly valuable.

When Poems Fall From The Sky by Zaro Weil

What Are We Fighting For? Poems About War by Brian Moses and Roger StevensWhat Are We Fighting For? Poems About War by Brian Moses and Roger Stevens.
Cloud Busting by Malorie BlackmanCloud Busting by Malorie Blackman.
Love That Dog by Sharon CreechLove That Dog by Sharon Creech.

Out Of This World by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Ed Vere

Out Of This World is a highly anticipated collection of poems by Michael Rosen, with illustrations by Ed Vere, aimed at children aged 7+. The poems explore themes of imagination and time travel – through history, geography and beyond – making it a useful resource for teachers to use when modelling and discussing imaginative writing in the classroom. Highly recommended.

Out Of This World by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Ed Vere

The Universal Zoo by Neal ZetterThe Universal Zoo by Neal Zetter.
The Magic of Mums by Justin CoeThe Magic of Mums by Justin Coe.
Off By Heart: Poems for Children to Learn, Remember and Perform by Roger StevensOff By Heart: Poems for Children to Learn, Remember and Perform by Roger Stevens.

The Undefeated by Kwame AlexanderThe Undefeated by Kwame Alexander.
Hello H2O by John Agard & Satoshi KitamuraHello H2O by John Agard & Satoshi Kitamura.
Being you: Poems of Positivity to Support Kids' Emotional Wellbeing by Daniel ThompsonBeing you: Poems of Positivity to Support Kids’ Emotional Wellbeing by Daniel Thompson.

Classic poetry for 7-11-year-old children

Rhyme Stew by Roald Dahl and Quentin BlakeRhyme Stew by Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake.
The Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear by Edward LearThe Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear by Edward Lear.
Cautionary Verses by Hilaire Belloc and Quentin BlakeCautionary Verses by Hilaire Belloc and Quentin Blake.

Laughter is an Egg by John Agard

A very funny series of poems, riddles, jokes and ballads. A good book for UKS2 classroom libraries, these poems are great to read aloud to class; perform in groups; or use for modelling children’s creative poetry ideas.

Laughter is an Egg by John Agard - a great year KS2 book of poetry for 7-11 year olds

Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T. S. EliotOld Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot.
Silly Verse for Kids by Spike MilliganSilly Verse for Kids by Spike Milligan.
Collected Poems for Children by Ted HughesCollected Poems for Children by Ted Hughes.

Heard it in the Playground by Allan Ahlberg

A funny illustrated collection of poems and songs about primary school life. These timeless poems reflect situations many teachers will have seen and experienced! Including Billy McBone, the Mad Professor’s Daughter and a Longest Kiss Contest there’s plenty of variety here to engage KS2 class in this collection that’s perfect to dip into at the end of the school day. There’s also the ‘Mrs Butler Blues’ to perhaps mime subversively in staff meetings…

Heard it in the Playground by Allan Ahlberg. A good poetry book for KS2 reading corners for 7-11 year olds

I Like This Poem by Kaye WebbI Like This Poem by Kaye Webb.
Life Doesn't Frighten Me by Maya AngelouLife Doesn’t Frighten Me by Maya Angelou.
The Rattle Bag: An Anthology of Poetry Seamus Heaney & Ted HughesThe Rattle Bag: An Anthology of Poetry
Seamus Heaney & Ted Hughes.

Click the buttons below to buy all the books in this Poetry for 7-11-year-olds book list, or class sets of any of these books and many more from Bookshop.org UK. Or buy the 20 most popular titles from this list from Amazon – ideal for gifts or your classroom library.

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Poetry for 7-11-year-old children resources

  • The Poetry Society offers a microsite for teachers – Poetryclass – which features a vast range of free lesson plans and activities to download.
  • Poetry Foundation features videos, learning ideas, reviews and selected poems which teachers in KS2 will find useful. There are also educational articles and poem guides.
  • The Poetry Archive is a stunning free website that features a section for teachers which includes poems to read, poems to listen to, interviews with poets, a children’s poetry archive, downloadable learning resources and challenges, and topic-based poetry collections.
  • Michael Rosen’s YouTube channel is a goldmine of performance poetry videos that are perfect to inspire children’s writing and reading of poetry.
  • James Carter’s website offers lots of poetry tips for KS2 teachers, including how to arrange school poetry events, poetry writing ideas, and suggestions for how to celebrate and display children’s poetry.
  • The Dirigible Balloon is a fabulous website that aims to “showcase the best poetry that writers for children have to offer.” Many of the poems are also available to listen to as audio files.

About Tom Tolkien

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Tom Tolkien is a highly qualified (BA Hons, PGCE, QTS) children's literature expert and teacher with over 25 years of experience. He has led inset courses, developed curriculum materials, spoken at conferences, advised on longlisting for several international children's literature literature awards and written for educational publishers including contributing to a BETT award-nominated app. Social profiles: X | Linkedin

This booklist was last updated on March 12th, 2025 and first published in 2023.