Serena and Laloolee Fly Away by Rosemary Clunie

Serena and Laloolee Fly Away – at a glance

The School Reading Lists’ five word review: Charming, friendship, flying, adventure, fairy-tale.
Children’s book title: Serena and Laloolee Fly Away.
Children’s author: Rosemary Clunie.
Children’s illustrator: Rosemary Clunie
Genre: Picture book.
Published by: Zephyr Books.
ISBN: 9781035903788.
Recommended for children aged: 6+ year-olds.
First published: Hardback September 2024.
This children’s book is ideal for: Early readers.

Serena and Laloolee Fly Away by Rosemary Clunie

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Our review:

There was once a little girl called Serena who lived in a house in the woods.

Serena loves to spend time outside in the woods with her blue-pawed puppy Pastel. Although the pair are very happy together, Serena longs for an adventure. Inspired by a flock of beautiful white birds, she decides to build herself a pair of wings.

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First, she tries to make wings out of leaves and twigs. But she crashes painfully to the ground when she tries jumping out of a tree. Next, she tries wings made out of fabric and wire. But these are not strong enough and down she falls again.

Serena walked around the forest, wondering what to do. She wanted so much to fly!

That night Serena dreams of a wise woman who tells her how to make the perfect set of wings and teaches her a special magic charm to make her fly. The next morning, Serena follows the instructions and is soon soaring through the air – she did it!

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Flying is wonderful. The world is a colourful patchwork far below and Serena feels free in the big, wide sky. Soon however she begins to long for home and Pascal. But by now she’s flown far away and starts to worry that she’ll never find her way back.

Taking refuge in a tree, Serena encounters a mysterious little girl called Laloolee who seems to be from another world. Soon the two girls are playing hide and seek in the clouds and dancing to the music of singing trees. But it’s getting late, and Serena is worried about Pascal. How will she find her way back home again?

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Serena and Laloolee Fly Away is an original, fairy tale of a magical friendship. The story is charming with a dream-like quality to the plot. The twin messages of perseverance and the value of home will appeal to both parents and young children. The colourful, collage-style illustrations add a unique charm to the simple text.

Author Rosemary Clunie is a Scottish painter and printmaker who has previously collaborated with the Booker Prize-winning writer Ben Okri. Clunie’s first book about Serena – Serena and the Blue Dog – was published in March 2024.

Serena and Laloolee Fly Away is a delightful fable that will appeal to young readers and older storytellers. It will be a particular delight for bedtime story sessions.

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Many thanks to Zephyr Books for the review copy.

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About Melanie Dillon

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Melanie has a Master’s degree in Information and Library Management; a Post Graduate Certificate in Children’s Literature focusing on the Reading Agency’s Reading Well scheme & LGBT YA fiction, and extensive experience working in school and public libraries. Linkedin | Reviews by Melanie Dillon