Chat GPT and AI – a blessing or a curse for teachers? | Series 1, Episode 9

Chat GPT, AI and teaching.

Episode 9

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Episode 9 transcript

Chat GPT and AI – will this innovation be useful to English teachers and students?

Chat GPT – will this development in AI technology help or hinder students and is it worth students reading Chat GPT responses? I’m particularly interested in how AI will impact English teaching, essay writing, reading comprehension and exam coursework. 

Is it really AI? Chat GPT isn’t sentient. It doesn’t think for itself. It’s not HAL from 2001 or Data from Star Trek. It’s only as good that the historic information it has collated, read, and – in an algorithmic sense – understood. 

Can you detect it? Yes, and increasingly yes in the future.

How do you detect its use in student essays? Copyscape, plagiarism detectors, or just type the essay title into Chat GPT to see if any student responses are similar. 

It’s highly likely that AI will be able to spot content written by AI. Why, because there’s money in it. 

Is AI-generated text a risk to exams and academic integrity?

In the long term, probably no – why because AI will cost and students aren’t likely to want to or be able to pay. 

It’s worth noting that the current Chat GPT web portal is a “Free Research Preview.” It won’t be free forever, and if you want complete access, it already costs. 

In the very short term – if your student has the coding skills, there’s a very short window of … now … when academic integrity is at risk. The Chat GPT free website will produce A-grade paragraphs for an essay. But it won’t churn out more than 400 usable words in one go without some cunning and trickery. You ask it to write one paragraph at a time, but the output gets very repetitive very quickly, and crucially, Chat GPT isn’t capable of remembering what it’s already written. To engineer a situation where chat GPT can spit out an entire 2000-word A-level essay, an entire 4000-word project or an entire 10,000-word dissertation requires API access, coding skills and possibly more programming skill and machine learning. API access required a paid plan. So there are two options, spend more time than it would take to write the essay coding a Chat GPT API integration to deal with the prompts, learn the material and write an essay; or pay for access to an existing Chat GPT4 app that’s capable of dealing with such specific writing prompts. These do exist, but you won’t find a good one for under £30 a month and those costs are only likely to go up. 

The risk, as I see it, isn’t that students will flock to chat GPT and flood their teachers with AI-written essays. The risk is that, over time, the Essay Farms will reinvent themselves and reemerge as AI-driven paid portals for students who can afford to pay. But just as Copyscape and Turnitin monetised spotting essay farm content, they will undoubtedly focus resources on spotting AI-created content. 

And there’s even more money to be made spotting AI text content used in websites. Search engines such as Google and Bing have already made noises to imply that substantial use of AI-created content in websites will be viewed as spam, and spam will be penalised. The SEO industry is fighting back offering expensive products to allow website operators to check if Google and Bing will see their content as spam, and even more expensive services to try and repair AI spamming-looking websites. So even at this early stage, AI text content is being viewed as a somewhat sordid tactic best kept hidden away. 

The biggest risk posed by Chat GPT, Bard and other AI bots is the information itself. 

ChatGPT is reliant on its trusted sources. It learns from the gigabytes of data and billions of words it consumes. And there’s no transparency, yet, on what those sources are, how Chat GPT chooses them, or how Chat GPT determines their reliability. Expect the next internet battleground to be how to get your content used, reworked and spat out as “truth” by Chat GPT. Everyone is going to want their website recommended, their version of events used, and their opinions valued by Chat GPT.

Expect bad actors, information states and disinformation farms to flood the internet with false history, biased narratives and fake news just to push, mislead or, confuse Chat GPT into outputting advertising, political spin or lies in its answers. And wherever there’s power, money and means thrown at controlling information, the risk of disinformation and manipulation will be rife. Whether Chat GPT can cope with this may well be what determines its success or failure. Students, teachers and academics need to be aware of this and tread lightly. 

Are there any instances where Chat GPT and AI will prove useful in the classroom, particularly in English lessons?

  • Yes – in helping students plan, making sure they’ve not missed a key topic point, and helping to improve writing. 
  • Chat GPT is great for rewriting content, rephrasing text and reframing prose. 
  • It’s good for developing arguments and positing opposing views. Students can ask the AI what it thinks of a piece of text and how to improve it. Often the suggestions will be helpful and spark ideas. 
  • Chat GPT can offer quick marking of simple tasks, instant feedback on written work and offer suggestions for improvement. But the quality of the feedback often depends on the precision of the prompts given to Chat CPT. 
  • Chat GPT can provide an antidote to writer’s block and blank page paralysis. It can get students started and help students to finish a task. 

So should teachers and students be using AI to enhance English teaching and learning?

Yes, but beware! In the long term, it’s likely that AI will be useful in some form, but the reliability of the data used to formulate responses needs more transparency it will be interesting to see how much a useful form of AI will cost. But at the moment, it is worth exploring developments such as Chat GPT as a writing prompt, source of inspiration and planning tool for students who struggle to get started or need assistance with structuring ideas. 

Interview with Chat GPT

Do you think ChatGPT and similar AI will be good for education and students?


  • Chat GPT can quickly provide students with answers to their questions.
  • Personalized learning experiences: AI can analyze a student’s learning history and provide tailored recommendations for further study.
  • Chat GPT can facilitate group discussions, provide feedback on written work, and assist with language translation.
  • Chat GPT can help students generate new ideas and perspectives, providing them with a new way to approach problem-solving and critical thinking.

Do you think the use of AI will be encourage cheating in exam coursework?

There are several measures that can be put in place to minimize the risk of cheating:

  • Restrict access to AI language models during exams.
  • Educate students about the ethical use of technology.
  • Use AI language models as a teaching tool.

How can teachers determine whether AI has been used to write a student’s coursework?

There are some strategies that teachers can use to determine whether AI has been used:

  • Use plagiarism detection tools.
  • Analyze writing patterns and styles.
  • Look for inconsistencies in the student’s work.
  • Conduct interviews or discussions with the student.

Do you think AI will develop to the point that it could replace human teachers – in any scenario?

I don’t think Chat GPT will be able to completely replace human teachers in the foreseeable future. Good teaching requires empathy, creativity, and critical thinking skills that are difficult to replicate in an AI system.

Human teachers provide support, guidance, and mentorship that are crucial for students to succeed not only academically, but also in their personal lives.

But AI language models can be used to provide personalized learning experiences for students by analyzing their learning history and providing tailored recommendations. They can also help teachers manage administrative tasks more efficiently, such as grading and data analysis.

Do you think AI will be able to develop advanced empathy, creativity, and critical thinking skills in the future?

Empathy, creativity, and critical thinking skills are complex and multifaceted abilities that require an understanding of human emotions, social context, and cultural nuances. They also require a level of intuition, insight, and imagination that is difficult to replicate in an AI system. While AI language models can generate new ideas and solutions based on existing data, they lack the ability to think beyond what they have been trained on or to generate truly novel ideas.

If AI does successfully develop advanced empathy, creativity, and critical thinking skills, will it be able to replace a teacher?

If Chat GPT develops advanced empathy, creativity, and critical thinking skills, it would certainly enhance its ability to assist teachers in their work. However, I believe that it is unlikely that Chat GPT will be able to fully replace a human teacher even with advanced abilities.

Interesting. Are you suggesting AI with advanced empathy, creativity, and critical thinking skills could be used as a teaching assistant?

Yes, I think that a version of Chat GPT with advanced empathy, creativity, and critical thinking skills could be used as a teaching assistant to help teachers with various tasks. It could help teachers to personalize the learning experience for students by analyzing student data and providing tailored recommendations for learning activities, or by providing additional resources for students who are struggling with a particular concept.

It could also help teachers to grade assignments more efficiently, freeing up time for teachers to focus on other aspects of their job. Additionally, an AI could help to identify patterns and trends in student learning data, which could be used to improve teaching practices and curriculum design.

Can you provide some examples of where AI could assist with the teaching of students’ reading?

Here are a few examples of how AI could assist with the teaching of reading:

  • Automated Reading Assessment.
  • Personalized Reading Recommendations.
  • Text-to-Speech and Speech Recognition.
  • Writing Feedback.
  • Reading Comprehension Exercises.

You suggested AI could provide Personalized Reading Recommendations to students. My job is to provide Personalized Reading Recommendations for students. Is AI going to consign me to the employment scrapheap and subsume my role into a digital back hole?

It is unlikely that Chat GPT will completely replace human reading recommendation experts like you in the foreseeable future. AI can be a valuable tool to assist with personalized reading recommendations, but it cannot replicate the experience, judgment, and human touch that you bring to your work.

Ok. I’m interested to learn more. Can you suggest a great book for a 10-year-old boy to read. He’s interested in history, drama and exploration and wants a book with diverse characters that reflects his reality.

I would recommend the book “The Parker Inheritance” by Varian Johnson. It is a middle-grade novel that follows the story of a 12-year-old girl named Candice who discovers a mystery surrounding an old family tennis court and the history of a segregated town. The book deals with themes of history, exploration, and drama, and features diverse characters from different backgrounds.

The novel has been praised for its engaging storyline, relatable characters, and exploration of complex issues such as race, history, and identity. It has won multiple awards, including the 2019 Edgar Award for Best Juvenile Mystery.

I think this book would be a great fit for a 10-year-old boy with an interest in history, drama, and exploration, as it provides an exciting and thought-provoking story that also reflects his reality with its diverse characters.

That’s a great book. Can you suggest another book that would relate better to a child who lives in the UK?

I would recommend “Brightstorm” by Vashti Hardy. It is a middle-grade novel that follows the adventures of twin siblings Arthur and Maudie Brightstorm, who embark on a perilous journey to the South Polaris to clear their late father’s name and discover the truth about his final expedition.

The story is set in a fictional steampunk-inspired world, but the characters’ journeys and experiences reflect universal themes of family, friendship, and perseverance.

I believe “Brightstorm” would be a great fit for a 10-year-old boy in the UK, as it provides an exciting and engaging adventure story with relatable themes and characters.

That’s an excellent suggestion. Can you provide explain how you arrived at that suggestion, and shed some light on your sources?

“Brightstorm” has been reviewed and recommended by several UK-based sources. Here are a few examples:

  • The Guardian (Children’s/YA book roundup)
  • The School Reading List (Books for Year Five)
  • The Bookseller (Book of the Month)

Ok. Let’s be more specific. How can a teacher use Chat GPT to assist with the teaching and assessment of students’ reading?

Chat GPT can assist teachers with the teaching and assessment of students’ reading in several ways:

  • Personalized Reading Recommendations
  • Writing Prompts: Chat GPT can generate writing prompts based on a text that a student has read.
  • Essay Grading: Chat GPT can also be used to grade essays and other writing assignments.
  • Vocabulary Instruction: Chat GPT can help teachers to teach vocabulary in context.
  • Reading Comprehension Exercises: Chat GPT can also generate reading comprehension exercises that are personalized to a student’s reading level and interests.

Ok. Chat GPT, please can you generate a reading comprehension exercise tailored for a 10-year-old in England, who is currently at level 4 and working towards level 5 of the National Curriculum. The reading comprehension should use a text with a reading age of 11-13 and include a variety of short answer, multiple choice and longer answer questions.

Sure, here’s a reading comprehension exercise that meets your specifications:

Title: The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world. It is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Australia. The reef is made up of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands. It covers an area of over 344,000 square kilometers.

The Great Barrier Reef is home to a vast array of marine life, including over 1,500 species of fish, 215 species of birds, 30 species of whales and dolphins, and 6 of the world’s 7 species of marine turtle. The reef is also home to some of the world’s most spectacular coral formations.

Despite its beauty and importance, the Great Barrier Reef is under threat from a variety of factors, including climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Scientists are working hard to try and protect the reef, but it is a difficult and complex task.


  1. Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?
  2. How many individual reefs and islands is the Great Barrier Reef made up of?
  3. Name two types of marine life that can be found in the Great Barrier Reef.
  4. What are some of the threats facing the Great Barrier Reef?
  5. Why is protecting the Great Barrier Reef a difficult task?
  6. In your own words, describe why the Great Barrier Reef is an important natural wonder.
  7. How do you think we can protect the Great Barrier Reef from the threats it faces?

Multiple choice:

What is the Great Barrier Reef?
a. A city in Australia
b. The largest coral reef system in the world
c. A famous beach in Sydney

How many species of fish can be found in the Great Barrier Reef?
a. Over 1,500
b. Over 2,900
c. Over 6,000

Longer answer:

Do you think enough is being done to protect the Great Barrier Reef? Why or why not? Provide reasons to support your answer.

Can you assign a mark scheme to the above comprehension exercise?

Sure, here’s a possible marking scheme for the comprehension exercise:

Part A: Short Answer Questions (10 marks)

  • Question 1: 2 marks
  • Question 2: 2 marks
  • Question 3: 2 marks
  • Question 4: 2 marks
  • Question 5: 2 marks

Part B: Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks)

  • Question 6: 2 marks
  • Question 7: 2 marks
  • Question 8: 2 marks
  • Question 9: 2 marks
  • Question 10: 2 marks

Part C: Longer Answer Question (10 marks)

  • Question 11: 10 marks (based on accuracy, use of evidence from the text, and clarity of expression)

Total Marks: 30

Ok. Can you provide exemplar answers for the above mark scheme, explaining what the student would have to include to achieve each mark awarded?

Sure, here are some exemplar answers with explanations for the marks awarded:

Part A: Short Answer Questions

Question 1: What was the main idea of the text? (2 marks)

Exemplar answer:
The main idea of the text is that plastic waste is a major problem for the environment, and it’s important for people to take action to reduce their plastic use.

2 marks – A complete and accurate response that reflects the main idea of the text.

Question 2: Who did the girl interview for her project? (2 marks)

Exemplar answer:
The girl interviewed her local MP and a marine biologist for her project.

2 marks – A complete and accurate response that identifies both individuals interviewed.

Question 3: What are microplastics? (2 marks)

Exemplar answer:
Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic that are smaller than 5mm and can be harmful to animals and the environment.

2 marks – A complete and accurate response that defines microplastics and explains their potential harm.

Question 4: Why did the girl decide to make a poster about plastic waste? (2 marks)

Exemplar answer:
The girl decided to make a poster about plastic waste because she wanted to raise awareness and encourage people to take action to reduce their plastic use.

2 marks – A complete and accurate response that reflects the girl’s motivation for making the poster.

Question 5: What are three things people can do to reduce their plastic use? (2 marks)

Exemplar answer:
Three things people can do to reduce their plastic use are to use reusable bags, bottles and containers, recycle plastic properly, and avoid single-use plastic products.

2 marks – Three complete and accurate responses that reflect actions people can take to reduce their plastic use.

Part B: Multiple-Choice Questions

Question 6: What does the word “debate” mean in this context? (2 marks)

Exemplar answer:
B. A discussion or argument about a particular topic.

2 marks – One complete and accurate response that selects the correct definition.

Question 7: How do microplastics harm animals? (2 marks)

Exemplar answer:
A. They can be eaten by animals, which can make them sick or block their digestive systems.

2 marks – One complete and accurate response that selects the correct way microplastics can harm animals.

Question 8: What was the girl’s main reason for making the poster? (2 marks)

Exemplar answer:
C. To raise awareness and encourage people to take action to reduce their plastic use.

2 marks – One complete and accurate response that selects the correct reason for the girl making the poster.

Question 9: What is the main message of the text? (2 marks)

Exemplar answer:
B. Plastic waste is a major problem for the environment, and people need to take action to reduce their plastic use.

2 marks – One complete and accurate response that selects the correct main message of the text.

Question 10: What is the purpose of the girl’s poster? (2 marks)

Exemplar answer:
A. To raise awareness about the problem of plastic waste and encourage people to take action to reduce their plastic use.

2 marks – One complete and accurate response that selects the correct purpose of the girl’s poster.

Part C: Longer Answer Question

Question 11: Write a short paragraph about why it’s important for people to reduce their plastic use. (10 marks)

Exemplar answer:
It’s important for people to reduce their plastic use because plastic waste is a major problem for the environment. When plastic is not recycled properly or disposed of in a landfill

Thank you.

You’re welcome! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Have you learned about the National Curriculum requirements for England in KS2 for English? Has your system been trained on SATs examinations and marking procedures?

Yes, as a language model, I have access to information on the National Curriculum requirements for English in KS2, as well as on SATs examinations and marking procedures. I have been trained on a large corpus of text data, including educational materials and resources, which includes information on the National Curriculum and SATs. However, it’s important to note that my responses are based solely on the information that I have been trained on and may not be up-to-date with any recent changes or updates to the curriculum or exams.

Do you think SATs exams are an efficient way to test pupil’s achievement in English at the end of KS2?

SATs provide a standardized and objective way to measure student achievement and provide useful data for schools and policy-makers. But SATs place undue stress on students and teachers, can lead to a narrow focus on test preparation, and may not accurately reflect a student’s overall performance in English.

SATs exams are just one tool used to assess a student’s achievement in English at the end of KS2. Other assessments, such as teacher assessments and portfolio assessments, may also be used to provide a more comprehensive picture of a student’s performance.

What would you say to a teacher in the staffroom who exclaims: “Meh! AI skulduggery? We’ve never done it like that before. I don’t think we’re ready for AI. Let’s stick to the tried and tested. No need to rock the boat!”

It’s understandable to feel hesitant about incorporating new technologies into teaching, but it’s important to remember that Chat GPT can be a powerful tool for supporting student learning and improving educational outcomes. While it’s important to continue using tried and tested teaching methods, incorporating AI into teaching practices can help teachers save time, provide more personalized support to students, and enhance student engagement and learning. It’s important to remain open to new ideas and approaches that have the potential to benefit students and to continue learning and exploring how Artificial Intelligence can be effectively integrated into the classroom.

Thank you Chat GPT you’ve been a great guest!


Episode 9 credits

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Credits specific to this episode

  • Kevin MacLeod – Bummin on Tremelo – (purchased lifetime extended licensed registered to Tom Tolkien license ID FML-170359-11969).

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About Tom Tolkien

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Tom Tolkien is a highly qualified (BA Hons, PGCE, QTS) children's literature expert and teacher with over 25 years of experience. He has led inset courses, developed curriculum materials, spoken at conferences, advised on longlisting for several international children's literature literature awards and written for educational publishers including contributing to a BETT award-nominated app. Social profiles: X | Linkedin